Episode 30: USA – The Springford Murders (Part 1)

In December 2004, Brent Springford Jr. admitted himself into the Poudre Valley Hospital in Louisville, Colorado for a psychiatric evaluation. Brent told hospital staff that he was having visions of blood and violence, and he thought he might have murdered his parents. The police intervened, and Brent told investigators that just 2 weeks prior, on Thanksgiving Day, he went to his parent’s home in Montgomery, Alabama, and laid in wait. His parents Winston “Brent” Sr. and Charlotte Springford finally arrived home that evening, and Brent brutally attacked and murdered them. His parents had been worrying about Brent’s declining mental health, but no one suspected he was capable of committing such an atrocious act, especially towards people as loving and doting as his own parents.

In part 1 of this 2 part series, we discuss the victims, Winston “Brent” Sr. and Charlotte Springford, and the perpetrator – their son, Brent Jr. Spingford. We focus on Brent Jr.’s life leading up to the crime because it’s a really important part of this case. To understand the crime, we have to understand Brent Jr. – specifically who he was influenced by and what he was going through.

In this episode

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B sr and C Springford
Brent Sr. and Charlotte Springford

Source Material


Drifting Into Darkness: Murder, Madness, Suicide and a Death ‘Under Suspicious Circumstances’ by Mark I. Pinsky.

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